Ordering a voucher
Enter the desired voucher value, select a shipping option and place it in the shopping cart. The coupon is then either sent free by mail or e-mail.
Honour of a voucher
The amount of the voucher can only be converted if the buyer of the voucher does not use his right of cancellation within the legal cancellation time limit to cancel the purchase.
You can honour the voucher
- online via the Vmaxx Online-Store:
- by telephone: +49 (0) 2103 334929
- via eMail:
shop@vmaxx.de For each each order of goods you can honour only one voucher. A voucher can only be used for one order. Following this you can not split one voucher to use it for more than one order.
There is no cash reimbursement possible for the voucher. This also is essential if the customer uses his contractual or legal right of cancellation after he bought items at Vmaxx by commitment of a voucher.
All vouchers issued by Vmaxx are valid for the value of goods only. Vouchers can not be applied for shipment or other costs.
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