Matomo IMG Tracker

Das Zubehör

Vmaxx GmbH & Co. KG

Hans-Böckler-Straße 9
D-40764 Langenfeld
Contact: Alexander Titz
phone: 02103 - 33 49 29
Fax: 02103 - 33 41 14

Shipping costs

Country VAT Shipping costs
Belgien21 % 16,17 €
Bulgarien20 % 65,26 €
Czech Republic (Tschechien)21 % 18,04 €
Danmark (Dänemark)25 % 18,64 €
Deutschland19 % 7,90 €
Islands19 % 22,00 €
Eesti Vabariik (Estland)20 % 41,30 €
España (Spanien)21 % 34,19 €
Balearen21 % -
Canaries, Melilla, Ceuta21 % -
Finland (Finnland)24 % 42,68 €
France (Frankreich)20 % 23,45 €
Korsika20 % -
Great Britain (Großbritannien) *0 % 19,54 €
Islands0 % 19,54 €
Greece (Griechenland)24 % 67,43 €
Athen, Piräus24 % -
Ireland (Irland)23 % 34,76 €
Italia (Italien)22 % 28,55 €
Latvija (Lettland)21 % 41,65 €
Lietuva (Litauen)21 % 41,65 €
Luxembourg (Luxemburg)17 % 15,63 €
Magyar (Ungarn)27 % 29,72 €
Nederland (Niederlande)21 % 16,17 €
Norge/Noreg (Norwegen) *0 % 34,42 €
Österreich20 % 16,03 €
Polska (Polen)23 % 28,78 €
Portugal23 % 34,76 €
Azoren, Madeira23 % -
Romania (Rumänien)19 % 64,71 €
Schweiz *0 % 14,91 €
Slovakia (Slowakei)20 % 28,08 €
Slovenija (Slowenien)22 % 28,55 €
Srbija (Serbien) ohne Kosovo *0 % 54,38 €
Sverige (Schweden)25 % 35,33 €

Shipping costs within the EU include value added tax (VAT) in the respective recipient country. In the case of deliveries to third countries, the recipient is responsible for the taxation and, if necessary, customs clearance of the delivery in the recipient country.

Extra shipping charge

Surcharge for bulky goods. This fee from 9,90 € to 57,00 € will only be charged once per order within Germany. Shipment of bulky goods for international orders will be calculated and advertised in the course of your order process individually.

customs clearance in third countries

Shipment to third countries, like Switzerland or Norway, additional charges apply for managing of the customs clearing
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