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Footwell shell JEEP Compass (MX) from 2017 to 2021 - CB04389

Footwell shell for JEEP Compass MX M2017

Footwell shell in Highline edition, front left (drivers side), up to 16 cm high border,, black, additional protection of the foot restin the area behind the pedals, nonskid material upside, easy to clean, resistant against acid, petrolsaltwater, dimensionally stable-40°C to +80°C (at high incident solar radiation), no odor emission (material consists of PP/PE plastics), accurately fitting, no slipjam in foot pedal area


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29,75 €

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Time of delivery:

Remnants - partially limited stock. Exclusive accessories at a radically low price. Offer only available while stock lasts.
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Artikelnummer: CB04389
Herstellernummer: 402383000
GTIN/EAN: 4052446062674
manufacturer: Autoform Carbox

Footwell shell for JEEP Compass MX M2017

Footwell shell in Highline edition, front right (co-drivers side), up to 16 cm high border,, black, additional protection of the foot restin the area behind the pedals, nonskid, nonskid material upside, easy to clean, resistant against acid, petrolsaltwater, dimensionally stable-40°C to +80°C (at high incident solar radiation), no odor emission (material consists of PP/PE plastics), accurately fitting.
Symbolic illustration


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29,75 €
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Time of delivery:
Remnants - partially limited stock. Exclusive accessories at a radically low price. Offer only available while stock lasts.
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Artikelnummer: CB04390
Herstellernummer: 412383000
GTIN/EAN: 4052446062681
manufacturer: Autoform Carbox

Footwell shell for JEEP Compass MX M2017

rear left, app. 5 cm high border, nonskid material upside, easy to clean, resistant against acid, petrolsaltwater, dimensionally stable-40°C to +80°C (at high incident solar radiation), no odor emission (material consists of PP/PE plastics), accurately fitting, no slipjam in foot pedal area
Symbolic illustration


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19,90 €
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Time of delivery:
Remnants - partially limited stock. Exclusive accessories at a radically low price. Offer only available while stock lasts.
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Artikelnummer: CB04392
Herstellernummer: 422383000
GTIN/EAN: 4052446062698
manufacturer: Autoform Carbox

Footwell shell for JEEP Compass MX M2017

rear right, with app. 5 cm hight border, black, nonskid material upside, easy to clean, resistant against acid, petrolsaltwater, dimensionally stable-40°C to +80°C (at high incident solar radiation), no odor emission (material consists of PP/PE plastics), accurately fitting
Symbolic illustration


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19,90 €
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Time of delivery:
Remnants - partially limited stock. Exclusive accessories at a radically low price. Offer only available while stock lasts.
Have a question?
Artikelnummer: CB04393
Herstellernummer: 432383000
GTIN/EAN: 4052446062704
manufacturer: Autoform Carbox
All illustrations and descriptions are non-binding. Errors, omissions and changes excepted.
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